Hydrogen has emerged as the ideal medium for the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables, as well as for the reduction of carbon dioxide output from a variety of end-use applications – primarily as industrial feedstock and transportation fuel. It is highly energy-dense, and has no environmental impact.
Hydrogen’s role in the global energy mix is growing in tandem with the urgency of reducing greenhouse gas emissions due to several related factors:
(1) the declining costs of producing so-called Green Hydrogen, which is hydrogen produced by water electrolysis with power supplied from renewable sources i.e. wind and solar;
(2) the improvement in Carbon Capture, Utilization, & Storage (CCUS) technology, which enables production of so-called Blue Hydrogen from Steam Reforming/Gasification of Fossil Fuels, and;
(3) dramatic ongoing improvements in fuel cell technology that enables a multitude of end-use applications.
Listen to our Trimteck Talks message as Christian Conesa, President, discusses Trimteck's long standing leadership role in the hydrogen value chain in the manufacturing of high quality hydrogen control valves.
For over a decade Trimteck has been working with our customers to design and manufacture control valves for hydrogen service throughout the hydrogen value chain – as well as for extremely challenging liquid hydrogen applications in the aerospace industry.
We offer a range of flow control solutions from general service control and block valves to specialized valves for extreme temperatures and other challenging service conditions. If specified properly, our rugged Trimteck-Optimux control valves operate reliably for many years, and are designed to avoid issues associated with hydrogen embrittlement.
Our team of experts has the experience to help you develop control valve solutions for the most challenging hydrogen applications:
Ammine and Gas Scrubbing
Antisurge Valves
Cavitation Control
Cold Box Valves
Cryogenic Valves
Gas Dehydrogenation
High Pressure Drop
High Pressure Let Down
High Rangeability
Joules-Thompson Valves
Liquid/Gaseous Hydrogen and Oxygen
Low Flow
Noise Attenuation
Pump Recirculation
Underground Injection/Withdraw
Velocity Control
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